Tuesday, March 10, 2009

oh yeh!

oh yeh! i have a blog! kunal reminded me about the existance of blogs yesterday. thanks, kunal!

sats are this week. anyone scared? i know i am. I think collegeboard is one of the largest monopolies here in america, and no one wants to do anything about it. thanks to bush, standardized testing has only increased in frequency. i dont know if anything will change. i hope it would, but thats too idealistic now, huh.
there are a lot of aspects i dont like about our education system. its no longer about the wonders and joys of learning, to see just how much we can broaden our minds in new subjects. its not about finding your passion- it's about convincing yourself that you have a passion. where will u go to college? how will you find a job? what ever happened to that cliched carpe diem?
school is structured to who is the teacher you want that will hand you a letter to determine your intelligence in that corresponding subject and how to write useless words on a paper pretending that you did your homework.
what about analytical learning? what happened to that?
i want to watch movies and take notes and tell my teacher about how i love something or hate something in the particular subject. i want to argue my points and listen to other people's points and realize JUST HOW MUCH we could exhaust a subject, and then be content that i was able to think so deeply. i dont believe those numbers of sats, acts, gpa, letter grades, i don't think it realy determines how smart i am. or anyone is. i'm not sure if it does any good- all it's done is discriminate against "not as smart people". but what is smart? what kind of intelligence is measured to determine someone's value or character?
i dont think it's right. 
it sounds like socrates. it wouldn't sound like a bad idea to work in public education.
but at the same time, my fear and insecurity of how our education system works makes me scare of my future. i talk about it a lot too. 
it feels so convoluted. 



  2. such is life, or at least high school and college life =/

    but once you get a job there are no more tests, grades, etc. it's all about analytical learning woot.
