Wednesday, March 18, 2009


100HH: 3rd, 18
300IH: 2nd, 51.73
200m: 2nd, 28.98

how ironic is that- my best event has now become my worst event by a freaking second, and my worst event is now my best by almost 3.
and what do u know? apparently i can beat people in the 200. who knew.
mara saw a dead dog on the way to milpitas. and got lost. thanks to me.
i did not see that dead dog.
but it reminded me of the book curious case of dog in the nighttime or something like that. 
its a really good book. however, tedi has it currently.

this semester is the BIGGEST RUT of my high school career.
to be honest, i hate having a sport.
i hate coming home and realizing i have hw to do, only this time i come home 4 hours later.
how does anyone do this?
i end up taking naps. and cant wake up. and almost- halfass hw.
if anyone knows me,  i have an inability to halfass anything because i'm too fucking neurotic.

i am attempting to stay awake with andy varshneya on the cam and eating trailmix. anyone wanna join?