Saturday, February 13, 2010

day 1. i'm in seattle.

yes, i am in seattle.
no, it doesnt rain that often. at least as often as everyone thinks. OK?! so stop bickering about the rain.

i def. need to watch the winter olympics. its hecka cool mans. i have yet to see the opening cermony, but i've been seeing the skiing and speedskating sporadically.

1. seattle is a super safe city so far.
2. everyone is supppppppppppper nice here.
3. water bottles at trader joes are cheap. 25 cents. is it that cheap in cali?
4. so many effing trees. fsho. i love being green.
5. there isn't chipotle here. they call it qcoda grill.
6. speedskaters have thunder thighs. i bet they could stop bullets.

the flight is about 1.5 hours, and the seattle/tacoma airport is just enormous. i came here once on my way to canada, but i never stop loving the place. it is just amazing. everything is so modern and silver, it reminds me of the space needle. the space needle at night seems to flow with white paint its pretty cute.

its such a niceeeeeeeee city. i absolutely love love love love seattle. i feel like my heart is already here when i got the letter, but i'm scared that i'm already shutting myself from college options.

on the plane a woman asked me i was going to seattle, as well as the hotel clerk and random people on my way over. when i told them i was visiting udub, they were like WOW welcome! i guess udub is a big deal here. i can't wait to see the campus.

oh guess what. after i came back from dinner and headed into the hotel lobby. guess who was there.
the stanford track team. they are beautiful. these glowing, beautiful young men and women talking and laughing off the bus while the coaches and bus driver carried their luggage for them.
then i was thinking. damn. i wish i could go to stanford. and be fast.
then while i was waiting for the elevator, one of the athletes moved slightly in front of me. and i saw his backpack: "arcadia invitational".
damn they have everything i've ever wanted. arcadia is the largest high school national meet. it makes the junior olympics look like nothing.

the vancouver olympics is the first olympics that has ever been built on sea level.
ulgh i love trivial information.

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