Saturday, May 16, 2009


this is what they said about me. hmm.

E: Extroverted
S: Sensing
T: Thinking
J: Judging

ESTJ - "Administrator". Much in touch with the external environment. Very responsible. Pillar of strength. 8.7% of total population.
Take Free Myers-Briggs Personality Test


  1. i believe i'm the same thing. i don't remember for sure, but i'm almost 100% sure mine came out to the same thing.

  2. I'm INFP, but that's not what I posted on this for, I posted on this cause there's no post button on your most recent post.
    I know that i'm probably not the person you want giving you advice but don't let these things get to you so much, i know it's your nature to always strive to be the best academically and that is a good thing, but don't let it kill you like this, don't let your parent's expectations overcome your own desires. I know you love hurdling, you can tell from how you talk about it, all your experiences with it, your struggle to be able to three? four? step (i'm not a hurdler). Don't let these minimal things get to you, the SATs really don't tell you anything about yourself, it's just a score on a piece of paper, it doesn't change who you are. You know that you're going to get into a great college regardless of whatever score you get on your SAT. Berkeley and UCSD aren't really that much different, part of it is just the prestige but that's all superficial, what really matters is that you get a good education so that you can have a successful life after college. Don't waste your time living for your parent's ambitions, just live your life. You know we only get one and spending all your time trying to satisfy someone else only deprives you of your goals.
    I'm truly sorry about this track season, I know how it feels to have a bad season, you wake up every morning remembering that season but it's not such a bad thing, we always need to fail before we succeed and having a bad season is just motivation to run harder tomorrow. We both still have one season left, you don't need to forget this season but rather use it as motivation for the next season. You have plenty of time to improve and wanting it as badly as you do is half of it. Just put in the hard work in running/hurdling because that is what you truly love.
    I'm sorry if you didn't want to hear this from me but I couldn't handle seeing you like this from something I know you care about so much. Please feel better and try not be so bothered with the outside world, all that matters is your happiness and you goals.
