this is my very first post. i'm not sure if thats good, bad, or whether it really matters or not. i conformed. i figure a blog would be a good way to rant, but without the dirties of ranting.
i guess that means its just rambling.
this break has been really unproductive. i kind of sit in front of the computer, dabble at some SAT here n there, then aimlessly stare at the whip i made for ganpule for sadies.
i watched room raiders yesterday. now i keep my room and bathroom clean 24/7. i'm scared a suspiciously dressed man from mtv will grab me, while a stranger looks for weird things in my room.
like that puffer fish on my wall.
or that spear of shark teeth in my closet.
or even reach for my undies.
i like the rain. and i dont like it. i love sunny weather, but i get really scared of global warming. it worries me, so i've made the habit of unplugging everything i use in my room. my laptop is on energy star mode!
i need to stop using plastic bags.
i need to get out of this way of thinking. i love feeling sore when i work out, especially when its on some sprint intervals or weight training. but once i stop feeling sore, i feel myself turn to jello. i also feel that way if i dont work out everyday. that was the epitome of my fall/winter. yum.
onto happier things, laura is still on true beauty! i think she's the funniest.